Unlock the next-level investment approach

Yukka provides real-time news data, signals & reports, taking your investment portfolios to the next level.
How we help

Missing the competitive edge in your investment portfolio?

A comprehensive set of features to assist you with your due diligence or portfolio intelligence tasks.


Keeping pace with the market

With rapid market changes and evolving trends, it can be challenging to stay informed and make timely decisions. This can leave you feeling reactive rather than proactive in your investment strategy.



Leverage 20 years of historic data delivered through our SaaS solution or through REST API to enhance your investment strategies, find outliers, and unlock the next level performance.


Keeping pace with the market

With rapid market changes and evolving trends, it can be challenging to stay informed and make timely decisions. This can leave you feeling reactive rather than proactive in your investment strategy.



Leverage 20 years of historic data delivered through our SaaS solution or through REST API to enhance your investment strategies, find outliers, and unlock the next level performance.


Finding alpha

Achieving alpha requires insightful analysis and a strategic approach. If you're not consistently finding alpha, it may indicate gaps in your data or investment strategies that need to be addressed.


Uncover hidden opportunities

With actionable insights and early signals, Yukka enables you to make data-based decisions and identify high-potential investments, so you can generate alpha ahead of the competition.


Finding alpha

Achieving alpha requires insightful analysis and a strategic approach. If you're not consistently finding alpha, it may indicate gaps in your data or investment strategies that need to be addressed.


Uncover hidden opportunities

With actionable insights and early signals, Yukka enables you to make data-based decisions and identify high-potential investments, so you can generate alpha ahead of the competition.


Portfolio difficult to market

Without a clear value proposition, your portfolio may struggle to stand out in a crowded market. This can hinder your ability to attract investors and achieve the extraordinary results you're aiming for.


A differentiated and explainable model

Stay ahead of the curve with insights from over 2 million articles analysed daily. Add the unique data to your existing models, differentiating them on the market and unlocking next-level performance.


Portfolio difficult to market

Without a clear value proposition, your portfolio may struggle to stand out in a crowded market. This can hinder your ability to attract investors and achieve the extraordinary results you're aiming for.


A differentiated and explainable model

Stay ahead of the curve with insights from over 2 million articles analysed daily. Add the unique data to your existing models, differentiating them on the market and unlocking next-level performance.
Proven success

Transform your investment strategies

Proven success in transforming investment strategies and driving superior financial outcomes with our platform. These results were reported by our customers.


Annual outperformance


Volatility reduction


Maximum draw-down reduction
How it works

Align your portfolio for impact, risk, and return

Optimise your portfolio with a balanced approach that aligns impact, risk, and return, ensuring sustainable growth while managing exposure to potential risks.

Exclude risky entitites

Yukka helps you identify risky outliers — companies with a history of negative press coverage. Easily filter out any companies that pose too much risk for your portfolio, ensuring a more secure investment strategy.

Decide on your portfolio

Yukka adds an extra layer to your analysis, allowing you to rank companies based on your chosen parameters, including sentiment and risk. By the end of the process, you'll have a clearer, more informed portfolio.

Monetise, optimise and report

Leverage our platform to monitor your portfolio in real-time, respond proactively to unfolding events, and keep your stakeholders informed with timely updates on relevant news.


Multi-factor strategies
Utilise sentiment independently or combine it with momentum and value to enhance your risk-adjusted returns and capitalise on existing risk premiums in the market.
Hedge indicator
Manage market (e.g., equities, FX, etc.) exposure by using sentiment​.  Reduce drawdowns and avoid missing out on subsequent rallies​
Sector exposure
Flexibly adjust sector exposures in your portfolios using sentiment analysis to enhance performance beyond benchmark sector averages.

News analytics and momentum-based Bull & Bear signal

Use the power of sentiment analysis to predict market trends and price momentum.
Strong predictive power using state-of-the-art MLM that learns non-linear connections
Predicted probability that a stock will go down at least 5% during the next week
Negative sentiment trend
Accelerating volume trend
Reports of negative events
Negative price momentum
Predicted probability that a stock will go down at least 5% during the next week
Positive sentiment trend
Accelerating volume trend
Reports of positive events
Positive price momentum

Impact, risk and return aligned portfolio

Understand price movements & anticipate market trends based on next-level news analytics
Global coverage - European focus
Comprehensive global coverage with a strong emphasis on European markets, providing access to unique datasets that enhance the ability to uncover alpha opportunities.
Industry-leading AI event detection
Our AI engine achieves near-human levels of granularity in event detection, ensuring that no critical insights are missed.
High quality news sources
Access to a vast array of licensed, high-quality news sources, combined with extensive online coverage, allows for superior global event detection and in-depth analysis.
Native language pipelines
With over 8 native language processing pipelines, we avoid translation errors, enabling more accurate semantic analysis and culturally nuanced insights.
Insightful event flagging
Our thoughtfully flagged events provide an ideal foundation for clients to build their own custom scores, enabling a tailored approach to creating precise investment signals.
Bespoke signal construction
For those who prefer tailored solutions, we offer customized signal construction services, ensuring that specific client needs are met with precision.
Helping you generate Alpha
Our dataset provides a competitive advantage by enabling the discovery of alpha opportunities that are not exploited by the market.
Our Products
Cockpit Overview
Screen the news with Yukka, use real-time unstructured data to manage risk better and faster, putting you ahead of your competition.
Enjoy a 30-day free trial to explore all the features of our platform.
our Products
Yukka Reports
With just a click, access detailed reports on events that impact your business. Choose between a portfolio report or a company report to stay informed.
our Products
Yukka API
Get up to 3.2% outperformance with the most detailed event detection system available that analyses unstructured news in real-time so you can achieve the next level outperformance.
our Products
AI Assistant
Get a partner that scans the news for you, alerts you on the happenings relevant for your business and keeps you updated, so you can make informed decisions.
Ready to solve your challenges?
Try it for free today or speak with an expert about our latest innovations.